Welcome to Franklin, Parlapiano, Turner & Welch LLC

Whether you are starting a family or a business, refinancing a mortgage, funding your child's education or your own retirement, or developing an estate plan, Franklin, Parlapiano, Turner & Welch LLC can help provide financial strategies for each stage of your life.


  • To provide personalized services to help you identify your financial goals and concerns
  • To develop objective and highly professional solutions that are customized to fit your unique issues
  • To offer services that will add value significantly greater than your cost to retain us
  • To remember that you are the client and we are here to serve you


  • Mutual trust
  • Integrity, doing what we say we will do
  • Providing superior service by going the extra mile
  • Long-term commitment to the realization of your family's financial goals
  • Objectiveness focused on your best interest
  • Honesty - even when you might not wish to hear it